Uhh... Slacker?
So, I have been prodding all my loyal viewers for feedback on the blog. Apart from the facts that I don't post often enough, and my posts are all duplicates of shit I've read on Digg or Slashdot, people seemed happy enough with the blog.
So I am going to try and make a post a day. It's a lofty goal, I know, but I think with proper time management and a little perseverance I will accomplish this task.
So... Links?
http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ - Ohh, another fan of the Blogspot. I call this link, Post Cards from the Edge. Yea... I'm not very creative (hence my dupe posts of Digg and slashdot) This pic is from that site and it's for CD and JB. Two of the most wonderful people I have ever worked with. Both are rather hairy...

http://overheardinnewyork.com/ - I visit this site daily now. It's funny. Really. For example:
Boy, reading a pamphlet: Umm... Penny-less... Pen-iss.
Girl: It says penis.
Boy: Well, whatever.
Girl: How are you not going to be able to spell something that you have?
Boy: Well, it's gay to know how to spell penis.
Yea... it's awesome.
So I am going to try and make a post a day. It's a lofty goal, I know, but I think with proper time management and a little perseverance I will accomplish this task.
So... Links?
http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ - Ohh, another fan of the Blogspot. I call this link, Post Cards from the Edge. Yea... I'm not very creative (hence my dupe posts of Digg and slashdot) This pic is from that site and it's for CD and JB. Two of the most wonderful people I have ever worked with. Both are rather hairy...

http://overheardinnewyork.com/ - I visit this site daily now. It's funny. Really. For example:
Boy, reading a pamphlet: Umm... Penny-less... Pen-iss.
Girl: It says penis.
Boy: Well, whatever.
Girl: How are you not going to be able to spell something that you have?
Boy: Well, it's gay to know how to spell penis.
Yea... it's awesome.
You got my hopes up with the lofty "post per day" goal.
I have BLOG blue balls now. eeewwww
I can feel the love. . . and I'm not QUITE that bad. Or, at least, it's all silver, so I don't notice.
Had a dream that you got a new job.
I personally find it incredibly ironic (in an entertaining way) that you state the goal of an update a day . . . then don't touch it for a few weeks.
You like trimming my back hair and you know it.
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