Friday, September 08, 2006

Another, in a long line of wacky food posts...

My Graceland on the Internet.

Wicked Awesome embodied in a web site right there.

Oh my personal note, lots of changes in the life these days. Started taking classes for my MBA / MS and school is awesome... when you don't have a job and the parents are footing the bill. I do have a job, and I love my folks, but they aren't paying for my masters. I'm not going to say school sux, but I gotta re-learn how to use a pen. Fricking computers ruined (and made) me.

Also, new job. I'll be doing some deal sourcing for a VC near where I live. The job couldn't be cooler. The company invested in the makers of Eve Online, and I'm spending a lot of my time reviewing video gaming companies as well as any company that look interesting. Very cool.

That's all for now. I'm a slacker at posting to my blog... deal.